Fix Python 3.12 Segmentation fault (Core dumped) in Ubuntu

Firefly A beautiful bug sitting on a Python, looking at the camera curiously. 20118

The user experienced a 'Segmentation fault (Core dumped)' error after installing and running Python 3.12 in Ubuntu. The problem was Python's standard library 'readline' crashing. The issue was resolved by installing libreadline-dev and recompiling Python 3.12 from the source.

Tiny Django Tips – Use cycle instead of boring “if else” in template tags

Use of Cycle in Django Template

Often we need to do alternate things in every steps of a django template for loop while doing things in a loop in a django template. For example, let's say you want to create a widget similar to the following image widget - to show various job types In this example, The Job Type widget…

Setup Nginx Reverse Proxy to access PostgreSQL database remotely

In this tutorial, we will be discussing how we can leverage the power of Nginx to create a reverse proxy for our PostgreSQL server. This will allow us to access our PostgreSQL database from remote servers. So for example, let's say you have an app hosted in a vps and you would like to access the app db from your local computer.

How to read Data Matrix using Python in Linux

In this article, I'm going to introduce you to an interesting python module named pylibdmtx! This library is written based on the libdmtx library. You can install it in Ubuntu by using the following command: sudo apt install libdmtx0a Now that you have the library installed let's install pylibdmtx. I'm assuming you already have python…

PyCON Dhaka 2016 – A Wonderful Memory

Every year, python enthusiasts from all around the world organize a conference to spread knowledge, learn from each other and make lasting connections. Python Community affectionately calls this national python conference as PyCON. PyCON Dhaka 2016 was probably the 2nd PyCON in Bangladesh. I was lucky to attend this one (missed the first one) In…

How to download a file from a website link using Python script or, code snippet

How to download files using python

In this article, I’m going to demonstrate some code snippets that you can utilize to download files from the Internet using Python. Before we begin, you might be wondering why go through all the hassles of writing scripts to download files when you can simply click and download it by opening it on a browser!…